This January, Virginia21 is partnering with Money by Mel to present a one-day financial health workshop for young professionals. This workshop will help you understand your spending habits, provide the tools to effectively budget, and make your money work for you in the short-term and the long-term.
Like many young adults, Mel Borja of Money by Mel, graduated from college ready to face the world but soon discovered that she had never learned how to manage her finances. This discovery led her down a path of self-education on personal finance, money, and financial wellness.
As part of this journey, she’s paid off over $16,500 in student loan debt, nearly doubled her income, and grown her net worth by over $100,000 in just four years. Now Mel uses that insight and knowledge to help other young professionals, couples, and business owners take control of their finances, break unhealthy habits, and make a plan for their future.
We’ll end the day with a panel featuring experts on some of the most pressing financial health issues facing young professionals today such as student loans, housing, investing, and retirement.
Breakfast and lunch will be provided. Participants will receive a discount code on Money by Mel’s Money Coaching Workbooks.
Money & More in 2024
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